Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 6 into my Cooking Class

Hi guys!

It's been week 6 into my cooking class and I'm enjoying it more than ever! Cooking all this different type of food is exciting! Even though cooking process takes time and effort... the end result is always satisfying! (especially to our stomachs! ;] )

This week, we made Italian food, Latin food, and French food using grain as main ingredient! Our group made Mexican Pozole! I have never tried this before so I did not know how it tasted or looked like. But my group members knew pozole especially because they make it at home, so I didn't worry too much about our end result!

All I can say is... that we all agreed that it. was. awesome! Very delicious! and I would love to share it with you guys! Try it at home and enjoy!

Ms. Piggy


1.5                                     Garlic Bulb
18 Cups                             Water
6 Cups                               Chicken broth
6 lbs                                   Country Style pork ribs with bones
1.5 Tsp                               Dried Oregano
3 oz                                    Dried New Mexico red chiles
2 1/4 Cups                          Boiling hot water
1                                         Large onion, large dice
4 1/2 Tsp                            Salt
3 (30 oz cans)                     White hominy
1                                         Dozen of corn tortillas
as needed                            Vegetable oil for frying

7                                     Avocado
1                                     Large cabbage, finely shredded
2                                     Large onions, finely diced
12                                   Radishes, finely sliced
9                                     Limes, quartered
as needed                        Dried oregano
as needed                        Dried red pepper flakes

1. Peel garlic cloves, and reserve 4 cloves for chile sauce. Slice remaining garlic.
2. In a pot, bring water and broth just to a boil with sliced garlic and pork. Skim surface and add oregano. Gently simmer pork, uncovered, until tender, about 1.5 hours.
3.While pork is simmering, wearing protective gloves, discard stems of chiles and in a bowl combine with boiling-hot water. Soak chiles, turning them occasionally, 30 minutes. In a blender, puree onion with chiles and soaking liquid, along with reserved garlic cloves, and 2 teaspoon of salt until smooth.
4. Transfer pork with tongs to a cutting board and reserve both mixture. Shred pork, and discard bones. Rinse and drain hominy. Return pork to broth mixture and add chile sauce, hominy, and remaining teaspoon of salt. Simmer pozole for 30 minutes and, if necessary, season with salt.
5. While pozole is simmering, cut tortillas into 1/4 inch thick strips, and fry them in the oil until golden.
6. Serve pozole with tortilla strips and accompaniments.

Here are some pictures to look at! :)

Mexican Red Chiles.. these were super hot.


Cooking the pork in chicken broth!

Radish all sliced and ready!

Hominy, drained and washed.. ready to go!

Baked tortilla chips! the healthy ones...

Fried tortilla chips! the not too healthy ones... :)

AVOCADO slices. mm.. love avocados..
Final Product! :)

Chicken with Rice / Arroz con Pollo! / LATIN

Twas good.

Coconut Corn Fritters with Cilantro Aioli

Twas good as well.

Barely Risotto! This was my favorite!

Apple Crepes with Calvados Butter!

Great way to end the meal!

Mexican Pozole! What our group made :)

What we made :)

All the food we made that day :) It was so good... Drool.

My dish full of deliciousness. haha


Coffee to eat with my food. <3


  1. where are you taking cooking classes?

  2. Hi! I'm in group four of this class (and we raced to the farm hehe). I don't have some of these pictures. Is it okay if I use yours? It's not all of them, just some pictures! I hope thats okay >.<
