Monday, January 6, 2014

Dong Chi Mi Gook Soo~

Food of the day!!! :) --> DONG CHI MI GOOK SOO~~ :) What is it??

It is a type of Korean noodle with pickled radish soup! It. Is. Amazing how a noodle simple as this can be this delicious! :) This picture is taken from a famous restaurant called Gil Mok (Alley Way) in Cerritos! This is my love's all time favorite place to go to eat this dish! It is a must try during the hot summer, or even in winter in California (since it's like summer anyways). :)

Today's post will be a little short due to me being sick :( Today was my first day of my level 2 fieldwork and it was good. It would have been great if i wasn't sick :( So, I decided to drug myself with some Nyquil and SLEEP IT OFF! They say, sleep is the best medicine out there ;)

So, enjoy the picture and the rest of the posts (if you haven't got a chance to look through them yet ;) )

Dong Chi Mi Gook Soo  :)

-Ms. Piggy.

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