Sunday, September 18, 2011

Little Italy in San Diego


These are some old pictures from the past couple months at San Diego! My church friends and I went to Little Italy to eat some delicious food! Everyone must try this place!

After we ate, we marched towards Extraordinary Desserts (literally.. we walked. It was only a few blocks away :] ) There, I got my fav, Budda's Garden Tea and Lemon Bar! The two go well together! MUST TRY.

Just pictures of the food I've been eating :) Please excuse some of the picture quality. I downloaded this photo app on my phone and was trying it out for the first time!


Ms. Piggy

Buon Appetito, Little Italy's best restaurant!

Little Italy in San Diego
Bread from Buon Appetito

Wine with Italian food, OH SO GOOD.

(Forgot the name of the food) GOOD FOOD #1



The Infamous Extraordinary Desserts at Little Italy!


My Fav! Lemon Bar!

Yummy Yummy

CHOCOLATE! I want this in my room.

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