Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Korean Chicken Soup


Tonight, I would like to share about my favorite cuisine! Korean!

Now, this food that I am about to introduce to you guys is a traditional dish, known to be a well-being food and an energizer! In Korean, this dish is called Sam Gae Tang. It's basically stuffed chicken soup which later turns into a chicken porridge. Got the recipe from Mama Lee. :)

The ingredients are simple! Major ingredient being the Cornish Hen (these are just baby chicks.. i think.) and couple other small ingredients that play an important role! (sweet white rice, dried dates, Ginseng, Garlic, etc). Basically, you are going to clean out the hen and stuff all these and eventually tie them together (see picture). Then, you put the stuffed, tied hen into a BIG pot and fill it with water! Bring to boil and put garlic, onions, Ginger, and cook for about 2 hours. This is basically going to make chicken broth with all these flavors from all the different ingredients!

*You can also put in abalone inside the chicken as well. This makes the soup very refreshing and gives a little surprise for all your guests! ;) *

I have pictures of what I made here below! Leave a comment if you have any questions or suggestions!


Ms. Piggy.

Sam Gae Tang or simply, Korean chicken soup ;)


Sweet White Rice!

Dried Dates in water!

Cornish Hen all clean and chillin' in the water like a villain!

Stuffed hen all tied up! They look like they were arrested and handcuffed.. use your imaginations :)

Nicely packed in the pot to be boiled!

Boiling water..... 

An hour later...almost ready.. yum!

Final Product!!

So many surprises inside!! :D

With the left over soup and hen, we made chicken porridge! My favorite part of the meal! :D need a little salt and pepper and you are good to go!

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