Sunday, September 18, 2011

Say Cheese~ cake!

Hi guys,

I've been so busy with a busy schedule and I couldn't update in time! Over the weekend, my closest friend from San Diego came to visit me! We decided to make something and after 30 minutes of thinking.. we decided to make cheesecake cupcakes! I usually make baked cheesecakes and have never made a non-bake cheesecake before, but we attempted to make one and... it came out DELICIOUS!

We were searching online and found a great recipe to use from Blissfully Domestic. (click to get recipe)

Here are couple pictures of what WE made :) Enjoy!

Ms. Piggy


Can't forget the strawberries!

Making our Graham cracker crust! (yumm)

Washed Strawberries
Strawberries, cut and ready to go!

Gelatine for NON-BAKE cheesecake! (I was so excited to see how this would turn out!)

In the process of dissolving the gelatine :)

Our cheesecake... batter (?)

Crust in position!

Making our cheesecake!
Yummm!!! Pictures can be deceiving but this one was really delicious!

Final product! (Good job inhee!! )

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