Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bread Bowl, My Fav Airport Food.


Couple months back, I went on a trip to Canada with my church friends. My first time going back ever since I moved back! (been.. about 8 years now) Man, I ate so much good food over there! Missed all the Canadian food like Poutines and Ketchup Lays!!! (will post them up next)

But most importantly, my favorite airport food HAS got to be this bread bowl! mm~ So filling and delicious! I got a clam chowder in a bread bowl during our 3 hour wait at the airport! The wait was long (went early because of security check, but ended up passing through the security check in less than 20 minutes so we had about 3 hours of wait time until our flight came.), BUT! we had fun eating and enjoying each other's presence! Seriously. 

But here it is! A beautiful picture of the clam chowder in a fluffy warm bread bowl with an hot americano!


Ms. Piggy

Clam Chowder in a Bread Bowl with Starbucks Americano!

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