Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cheesecake cupcakes

More Cheesecake?!?!


I am a lover of cheesecakes! I used to make a whole bunch of them during my undergrad and eat them with my roommates as a late night snack! It was delicious! I definitely miss those times.

Here are some pictures of what I made. I actually used the Philadelphia cream cheese cheesecake recipe with a bit a personal touch! But bases is the Philly recipe :) (You can find that here)

I'll be posting up all the pictures of my cheesecake creation :)


Ms. Piggy
Berry Cheesecake Cupcakes

In the oven, bakin'

Cooling on the rack


Final Production

More cheesecake cupcakes

Chocolate marble new york cheesecake! :)

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