Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Simple Snack

Snacks, munchies… anything in that category, I L.O.V.E.

Today's food of the day is Egg Bread! Literally, bread with egg on top. Unfortunately, I have not yet seen these here in the US, which makes me sad because every time I look through my phone and come across this…. I crave it…

This snack is actually from Korea at one of those street food stands!! Went to Korea with family summer of last year for the first time in SO MANY YEARS, it was HOT and HUMID but super fun meeting all my family and friends :D

Next time I go, I know exactly what I'm going to try to bring back with me.. one of these guys.. once you take a bite into them, it just melts in your mouth like chocolate…. It's AMAZING. 

Egg Bread a.k.a Gae Ran Bbang

Until tomorrow!
Enjoy the rest of the night! 

-Ms. Piggy

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