Thursday, January 2, 2014

Good Bye 2013… Hello, 2014!

Good bye 2013 and hello, 2014!!

Every New Years Day, it is Korean tradition that we eat rice cake soup (Dduk gook) to "gain" one year! It's interesting because technically if you don't eat dduk gook, then you don't "gain" a year of your life. (Kind of like birthdays, but in Korea, everyone turns a year older when the new year comes, not when they pass their birthday).

So, with my mom, mama Lee and dad, we ate our very first meal of the year! It was very delicious! Wish I took pictures of the food, but I think I was just way too excited to eat! My sister and brother in law came by at night and we feasted on so much food! We ate dumpling soup (mandoo gook), Beef short rib stew (Galbi jjim), and Korean pork lettuce wrap (Boh Sam)! We absolutely love mama Lee's cooking! Home made food is the way to go! Hopefully, I can learn all her secrets in cooking Korean food and make them myself one day for my future husband ;)

Anyways, we ended the night by playing a traditional Korean New Year game called Yut Nol Ee. Want to know more about it? Click here. It's a very fun game to play with family and friends! Great for the elderly and even kids!

Here are some pictures of the food we ate today! :)

 Pork Lettuce Wrap (Boh Sam)

Beef Short Rib Stew (Galbi Jjim)

Since it's new years, I have made some New Years resolutions. One of them being, uploading pictures of the food I make or eat on this blog! It's been too long since I blogged about food, it's time to bring it back! :) Hopefully you will join me in my food adventures by trying these food or even making them! :)

Hope 2014 is a blessed year for all!

Happy New Years!

-Ms. Piggy

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