Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Simple Snack

Snacks, munchies… anything in that category, I L.O.V.E.

Today's food of the day is Egg Bread! Literally, bread with egg on top. Unfortunately, I have not yet seen these here in the US, which makes me sad because every time I look through my phone and come across this…. I crave it…

This snack is actually from Korea at one of those street food stands!! Went to Korea with family summer of last year for the first time in SO MANY YEARS, it was HOT and HUMID but super fun meeting all my family and friends :D

Next time I go, I know exactly what I'm going to try to bring back with me.. one of these guys.. once you take a bite into them, it just melts in your mouth like chocolate…. It's AMAZING. 

Egg Bread a.k.a Gae Ran Bbang

Until tomorrow!
Enjoy the rest of the night! 

-Ms. Piggy

Monday, January 6, 2014

Dong Chi Mi Gook Soo~

Food of the day!!! :) --> DONG CHI MI GOOK SOO~~ :) What is it??

It is a type of Korean noodle with pickled radish soup! It. Is. Amazing how a noodle simple as this can be this delicious! :) This picture is taken from a famous restaurant called Gil Mok (Alley Way) in Cerritos! This is my love's all time favorite place to go to eat this dish! It is a must try during the hot summer, or even in winter in California (since it's like summer anyways). :)

Today's post will be a little short due to me being sick :( Today was my first day of my level 2 fieldwork and it was good. It would have been great if i wasn't sick :( So, I decided to drug myself with some Nyquil and SLEEP IT OFF! They say, sleep is the best medicine out there ;)

So, enjoy the picture and the rest of the posts (if you haven't got a chance to look through them yet ;) )

Dong Chi Mi Gook Soo  :)

-Ms. Piggy.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

When it comes to sushi, you HAVE to try UNI.

When it comes to sushi, you HAVE to try UNI! Food of the day is…… UNI!! What is it?? It's sea urchin roe (egg) and to me, it's a delicacy! It's one of the least favorite from my group of friends but the most favorite from my family! The picture below is obviously a sea urchin that has been cut open, filled with sushi rice and different roe, and a drop or two of sesame oil. This is from a restaurant in Fullerton, California called Beach House (?). They serve uni bowls for $4.99 which isn't bad at all. Uni has a very interesting texture and it is an acquired taste. I didn't like it in the beginning, but the more I tried it, the more I started liking it! :) It's now one of my favorite type of sushi! :)

The picture looks amazing! Makes me want to go to the restaurant and get a bowl for lunch or something ;)) 


Uni Bowl with different colored roe. YUM~

Uni bowl after being mixed :)

Until next time!

-Ms. Piggy.

Ever Seen These Little Guys??

Welcome to the 4th day of the year 2014! yay~ it already seems like the year is going by fast!! (I know.. it's ONLY been 4 days..but still.)

My day started off by waking up at 11am after being drugged by Nyquil the night before.. Woke up with a pretty bad sore throat and a sexy(?), husky, manly voice followed by a dry cough. Not the best way to wake up, but I did. haha I ended up getting ready to go to Tranquil Tea Lounge with my fellow OT sisters (Don't know what OT is? A friend of mine, and fellow future OT, sums it up great on her blog! --> As Told By Cathy) Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of the food I ordered but! No worries, I have 300+ pictures of food on my phone that I have not uploaded yet! So Here it goes!!

My mom decided to make some Onigiri which is a Japanese comfort food that looks somewhat like the pictures below! It was actually tough to make in the beginning but after couple of them, we got the hang of it! I got silly and started to make faces on them hahaha 

Real easy to make! All you need is cooked rice in a bowl, sprinkle some Furikake (Japanese seasoning flakes), and pieces of roasted seaweed to wrap around. My mom bought the triangle shaping tool for the rice from Marukai (very inexpensive) so it wasn't THAT hard to make those triangle rice shapes. Is that all it is? Rice and seaweed? NOPE. You can be SUPER creative and put whatever you want inside! In some I put kimchi I fried with some sesame oil and tuna and in another I put in fried spam. Usually, if you get these at a Japanese market or Japanese foodstore, they have all sorts of stuff in it. If you are ever in Southern California near Costa Mesa, there is a Japanese market called Marukai  Market. Inside the market is a food court with several Japanese restaurants where they sell these lovely Onigiris. I highly recommend trying these for yourself, even making these! It's fun and delicious!

Well, until next time! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

-Ms. Piggy.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream...Whaaaat??!!

Today, I went to LA to meet up my friend to receive a painting I requested. (Great prints my friend and her friend sells! Salt and Light Prints) The painting was great! Exactly what I had asked for :) We met up after lunch so we decided to go get dessert! We went to this cafe where they sold liquid nitrogen ice cream! The first liquid nitrogen ice cream I tried was in Redlands, CA @ A La Minute! This one, was really tasty and sweet! It was very creamy and perfect! If you are ever in Koreatown in LA, this place is a MUST! It's where the CGV movie theater is and it's called Chocolate Chair! Yelp it, google it, whatever it! I had the strawberry ice cream and my friend had the pistachio ice cream! They were both delicious, not too sweet (not big on sweets), and it was super creamy. It's a must!

Strawberry Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream

It's been a great winter break for me.. got to spend time with family, friends, and my love :) But 2 more days and I start my fieldwork at a Pediatric Occupational Therapy Clinic! I am very excited and scared at the same time!! Wish me luck and hope for the best! 

-Ms. Piggy.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Good Bye 2013… Hello, 2014!

Good bye 2013 and hello, 2014!!

Every New Years Day, it is Korean tradition that we eat rice cake soup (Dduk gook) to "gain" one year! It's interesting because technically if you don't eat dduk gook, then you don't "gain" a year of your life. (Kind of like birthdays, but in Korea, everyone turns a year older when the new year comes, not when they pass their birthday).

So, with my mom, mama Lee and dad, we ate our very first meal of the year! It was very delicious! Wish I took pictures of the food, but I think I was just way too excited to eat! My sister and brother in law came by at night and we feasted on so much food! We ate dumpling soup (mandoo gook), Beef short rib stew (Galbi jjim), and Korean pork lettuce wrap (Boh Sam)! We absolutely love mama Lee's cooking! Home made food is the way to go! Hopefully, I can learn all her secrets in cooking Korean food and make them myself one day for my future husband ;)

Anyways, we ended the night by playing a traditional Korean New Year game called Yut Nol Ee. Want to know more about it? Click here. It's a very fun game to play with family and friends! Great for the elderly and even kids!

Here are some pictures of the food we ate today! :)

 Pork Lettuce Wrap (Boh Sam)

Beef Short Rib Stew (Galbi Jjim)

Since it's new years, I have made some New Years resolutions. One of them being, uploading pictures of the food I make or eat on this blog! It's been too long since I blogged about food, it's time to bring it back! :) Hopefully you will join me in my food adventures by trying these food or even making them! :)

Hope 2014 is a blessed year for all!

Happy New Years!

-Ms. Piggy